HOPE for tomorrow starts with you today!
Copyright (c) 2015. All right reserved. Share HEART in Africa, Inc. | P. O. Box 15692 | Newport News, VA 23608
Share HEART in Africa, Inc. is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. All donations are tax deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law.

In order to raise healthy, well-rounded children we believe that the whole child must be cared for. Share HEART holistic care addresses the physical, mental, social, and spiritual growth in all of our children. We seek to create an environment that meets the child’s basic needs, encourages them to become productive citizen while inspiring them to dream BIG.
Physical Needs
We meet our children’s physical needs by providing nourishing food, vitamin supplements, medical and dental care, and sports programs that emphasize physical fitness. Whether provided for through our family-style Children’s Homes or through one of our Partnership Programs, our children’s physical health is very important to us
Mental Needs
Our children’s mental needs are addressed through quality education (preschool through High School), and skills training for those interested in vocational careers. Education is key to raising children who one day will transform their nations.
Social Needs
Within each child is the desire to know who they are, where they are from, and how they fit into the world. We recognize the value of culture, therefore our children are raised by caregivers of their own culture, in their own country. Traditional ethnic music, dance, storytelling, and dresses are encouraged as an important part of their heritage. By partnering with village and community leaders, our children grow up with strong ties to their communities. We also provide opportunities for our children (especially our orphaned children) to maintain connections with relatives or extended families.
Spiritual Needs
Through biblical training, evangelistic activities and outreaches (such as Vacation Bible School and youth retreats), Scripture memory, devotionals, worship, and discipleship, our children are introduced to Jesus Christ and taught of His love for them. Our goal is for every child to know the truth about Jesus and to share that truth with all they encounter.