HOPE for tomorrow starts with you today!
Copyright (c) 2015. All right reserved. Share HEART in Africa, Inc. | P. O. Box 15692 | Newport News, VA 23608
Share HEART in Africa, Inc. is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. All donations are tax deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law.

Share HEART in Africa is mobilizing churches in Sierra Leone to care for the orphans in its communities.
The increase in the number of orphaned children who live alone on the streets of Sierra Leone has reached intolerable levels. These children are vulnerable to trafficking, exploitation, and unimaginable levels of abuse and neglect.
While admittedly, some of these vulnerable street children can be the most difficult to assimilate into a healthy environment, they constitute some of the most resilient, creative and resourceful children on the planet. We aim to care for the basic needs of these kids and, over time, reintegrated those who are living on the streets into a safe and permanent family.
Many children are forced to leave their homes and live on the streets of Freetown or nearby city because abuse, fear, or in hopes of finding food, water or better opportunities. Share HEART works with communities and assists with developing their local community by educating about clean water safety, and educating parents and their kids on the reality of living on the streets.
- Mentoring Through Local Churches
- Training on grief, abandonment, and other behavioral challenges
Volunteers provide biblical and other teaching around the topic of orphan care to pastors and their congregations in hopes that they will develop a HEART for children in their community. Share HEART in Africa teaches the local Church how to effectively and lovingly meet the great needs of orphans and prepare the for a life in a family, which we believe is God's plan for every child.
- Reintegration into the family of origin if possible
- Adoption into the local community or extended family
- Adoption into the local church family
Share HEART in Africa aims to reintergrate orphaned and vulnerable children into a family. We assist church leaders and pastors in building orphan care ministries that promote love and permanent care for orphaned children.